About Allison Ly, 2nd Gen Coach

“Why I do what I do"

More about Allison Ly

In addition to being a coach here in her Unshaken Confidence Programs, Allison is also a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who had her private practice working as a LCSW with 2nd Generation Adults for over 7 years. (Her therapy practice is separate from her coaching programs).

Through her work in private practice she saw how there was a common feeling of loneliness in the 2nd gen’s experiences. When in actuality, these challenges and experiences were so commonly felt by so many 2nd gens. 

That’s why Allison wanted to create a community to help 2nd gens feel more understood and supported in their experiences.

She also felt it was important to create programs to help share information and tools that have also helped many 2nd gens. She’s helped 2nd gens learn how to set boundaries in ways that work for them, with their experiences and values in mind. 

When 2nd gens are able to do set boundaries (aka say “no”), they don’t have to think that cutting ties with the people they love and want to care for the most, is the only option available to them. 

They also don’t need to continue to sacrifice their needs to support and care for others all the time. They won’t need to feel so burnt out, tired, guilty and resentful for how they are feeling as much anymore.

Allison wants to help more 2nd gens move from feeling stuck,
to supported, to feeling empowered to live the life they want

On a personal note: 

  • Allison is a 2nd generation adult as well! She has personally experienced what it’s like to grow up as a 2nd Gen in Los Angeles, California. Allison is Chinese but identifies as Chinese-Vietnamese and speaks Vietnamese conversationally. 

  • Fun fact! Allison did not know she was 100% Chinese until she had to write a paper on her family background in one of her Asian American Studies Classes in undergrad at UCSB! Before that I thought I was 50% Chinese (Teo-Chew) and 50% Vietnamese.

  • She also has an Australian-Shepherd mix dog and a toddler. She understands some of the unique challenges in being in the “sandwich” generation as a 2nd gen. (Also having a child can really be challenging in learning and communicating the boundaries you want your parents to hold, as well as what boundaries you want with your own family!)

How We Can Connect!

Unshaken Confidence Programs

Want to improve your relationship with yourself and with those you love? Learn different ways, tools and ideas to help improve your relationships as a 2nd gen through online courses.

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